3.3 PBIE NFT Technology
NFT Technology
PBIE NFT Technology
PBIE Platform is issued and managed by NFT using BNB Chain. BEP-721, an NFT standard issued by BNB Chain, is a token standard of BNB Chain that can generate NON-Fungable Token (NFT). This is one of the most commonly used and widely used NFT standards and is an ERC-721 extension that can be easHy compatible with EDM (Ethernet Virtual Machine). The BEP-721 NFT issued by BNB Chain has its own unique properties and does not exchange with other tokens. If you create an NFT using the BEP-721 specification, you can grant the ownership of the data to give a unique identifier, which is the biggest difference between the BEP-721 and the BEP-20 specification. By using the BEP-20 specification, developers can generate multiple same tokens within one smart contract, but in the BEP- 721, each token is assigned to each token within one smart contract, giving each token a uniqueness. It's possible. Through this unique token ID, the user can trade the BEP-721 token and transfer ownership depending on the market value of the token's rare or utility. The NFT created by the BEP-721 standard is compatible and available in BNB ecosystems, such as Juggerworld, Feature by Binance, Bakeryswap and Binance NFT Marketplace platform.
[BEP-721 NFT creation target]
a. Digital arts (arts, music, 3D, video)
b. Private collection
c. Online game item
d. Physical assets and real estate ownership
e. Digital lottery and tickets
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